Sunday, May 09, 2010

Free Books in the Summer for just Reading!

Free Books!
a post by Matt's Mom

Every year Half Price Books runs this great promotion to keep kids reading throughout the summer months. All you need to do is download the form here and have your kids read at least 15 minutes a day. Once they have completed the requirements for the week, bring it into your local Half Price Books and the kids will get a free $3.00 gift card!

Now $3.00 might not sound like alot, but all of the stores have a clearance section in the back with tons of books ranging from $.50 and up. Most short chapter books run around $3.99. Or use the $3.00 towards a more expensive book that they have always wanted. What a great way to bulk up your library this summer. You can only use one gift card per purchase, but you will be surprised how far $3.00 will take you!

I have to admit, my family found this promotion two summers ago, and my kids each got so many books, that they haven't even read them all yet. My daughter would find clearance book bundles of 3-4 books for just $1.00. If you don't need any more books in your house, remember your school teachers too. They are always looking for new kids books to add to their personal room libraries. Most of the time these teachers are using their own money to buy these books. How nice would it be to receive a arm full of books for them to add to their classrooms.

This promotion runs from June 1, 2010 - July 31st, 2010. So if your kids are busy readers they could get 8 $3.00 gift cards to use this summer. Now that's a good deal!

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