Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Lightning Thief by: Rick Riordan

The Lightning Thief by:Rick Riordan
as reviewed by Matt

This is the first book in the Percy Jackson series.
It is 377 pages long at a medium reading level for grade 4-7.
Both boys and girls would like this book.

It is about a boy named Percy Jackson who goes on a quest to get Zeus' Lightening Bolt, the most powerful weapon on Earth. Along the way Percy gets blamed for taking the Lightening Bolt. He faces many challenges, like fighting Gods and going to the Underworld, to prove his innocence.
It is a very exciting book with a ton of action and frightening events throughout.

Ratings: (1-10):
Scariness: 4
Adventure: 8
Suspense: 5
Romance: 1
Violence: 7
Comedy: 5
Language: 2 (2 bad words)
Adult Situations: 4 (beer & poker references)
Matt's overall rating for this book:
9 - A really good book

If you would like to read this book yourself you can purchase it from here, or remember you can always check it out at your local library under YA FANTASY RIO. Ask your librarian if you need help finding it. You can also check our the authors web page here.